Editorial Team
Dr. Gaurav Choudhary[Editor-in-Chief]
Associate Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Section for Cybersecurity Engineering
Technical University of Denmark
E-mail: gauch@dtu.dk
Dr. Javed Khan Bhutto
Professor, College of Engineering,
King Khalid University, Abha, KSA,Saudi Arabia,
Dr. Anand Sharma
Asso. Prof., Department of CSE,
Mody University of Science and Technology,
Laxmangarh, Rajasthan, India
E-mail: anandsharma.cet@modyuniversity.ac.in
Prof. (Dr) Sarjue Pandita
Professor - HRM
Ajay Kumar Garg Institute of Management, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
E-mail: dr.sarjue@akgim.edu.in
Dr. M. Abdul Jamal
Associate Professor, Department of Eco. Sciences
The New College (University of Madras), Chennai - 600014
Email Id: abduljamal@gmail.com
International Member:
Dr. Gaurav Choudhary
Assistant Professor, The Faculty of Technology (CIS),
The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute,
University of Southern Denmark, www.sdu.dk
Alsion 2, Building A, 1.20, 6400- Sønderborg
E-mail: gac@mmmi.sdu.dk
Dr. Javed Khan Bhutto
Associate Professor, College of Engineering,
King Khalid University, Abha, KSA, Saudi Arabia,